Restorative Dentist Specialist, Implantologist

Dominic Hassall
GDC no. 66295
BDS (Wales) MSc (Manc) FDS RCPS (Glasg) MRD RCS (Edin) FDS (Rest Dent) RCS (Eng)

General Dental Council Registered Restorative, Periodontal , Prosthodontic  and Endodontic Specialist. Implantologist. Restorative and Implant Dentistry (BAARID).

Dominic is one of the world’s leading clinical restorative, implant and aesthetic dentists.

Dominic has trained and been assessed to the highest clinical level undergoing a restorative consultant training programme. He has been awarded the membership in restorative dentistry and the highly prestigious intercollegiate speciality in restorative dentistry jointly awarded by the English and Scottish Royal Colleges.

In addition he has trained extensively in North America and Europe in advanced restorative, aesthetic and implant dentistry.

He is Clinical Director of Smile Concepts’ Private and Multidisciplinary Specialist Referral, Implant and Cosmetic Centre, and Director of the Dominic Hassall Training Institute.

Dominic is a former Harley Street Consultant and is registered on 4 specialist lists.

He is a pioneer in postgraduate dental education initiating the UK’s very first MSc in Restorative Cosmetic Dentistry and the MSc Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry, University Warwick. He was course director for both courses before focusing on his own training institute, enabling him to provide more clinically focused and cutting edge training.

He has published extensively on a range of clinically related restorative, aesthetic, occlusion and implant topics and is editor in-chief of the International Journal of Advanced Clinical Dentistry.

He is President of BAARID an organisation committed to promoting excellence in clinical dentistry through world leading and innovative postgraduate dental education.

He was an examiner for the Membership in Restorative Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons England and lectures both nationally and internationally.

Currently he spends 3 days a week undertaking advanced restorative, aesthetic and implant dentistry and private general practice, devoting the remaining time to sharing his experience and skills with other dentists.